Percentage To CGPA Calculator
Quickly change percentages to CGPA! Our easy tool makes it simple. Find your CGPA accurately and effortlessly today!
Percentage to CGPA Calculator
If you want to convert the percentage to CGPA but need to know where to start, you don’t need to worry anymore because we have a simple tool. Calculating your percentage is made easy. Our guidance system will help you understand and convert the percentage system to CGPA. Our tool is free; enter your percentage and get your CGPA instantly. This tool is designed for anyone who wants to calculate their CGPA against their percentage. Use our tool now to know your exact CGPA.
How do you convert a percentage to CGPA?
If you know the percentage of marks you obtained, you can convert that percentage into a CGPA. Here’s the formula to calculate:
(Percentage Value / 9.5) = Final Value(CGPA)
The above formula works if the grading scale of your college or university is 10.0. If your grading scale is 4.0 or 5.0, then you can divide your percentage by your grading scale point.
You can also calculate your percentage from CGPA using our CGPA to percentage converter.
The Requirement to Convert to CGPA
Since different institutions and countries have different grading systems, it is necessary to convert percentages to CGPA, while some colleges and universities use other methods of converting percentages to CGPA. This makes accurate measurement of academic achievement difficult. A reliable completion of the exchange is essential for students and parents, especially in the context of globalization.
What is CGPA?
It is a ranking system used by any educational institution to evaluate academic performance by taking into account the grades obtained by the student in all courses. CGPA is calculated in each course. A grade point, such as A, B, C, D, or F, is given. Each country and university has a grade point scale, usually a 4.0 or 10.0 grading scale.
Overview of Grading Systems
A grading system is a process that various institutions use to evaluate the overall academic performance of any student. It determines the student’s score based on multiple factors. As their knowledge, skills, and marks obtained in a particular course or subject are used for various grading systems, the following are some of the most commonly used.
Percentage-Based Grading
In this ranking system, the student’s overall performance is calculated based on the total percentage of correct answers they give.
Point-Based Grading
A student’s performance is evaluated based on their earned points to determine the point-based grading system. Measurements are often listed on a scale of 0 to 100 or 0 to 10. After this classification, the student’s performance is converted into a percentage.
CGPA Grading System
The CGPA-based system is one of my favorite systems. CGPA stands for the Cumulative Grade Point Average of any student. It is calculated by adding the student’s grade points for all courses or semesters and dividing it by the total number of courses taken.
Pass/Fail Evaluation
It is a straightforward system where students are judged to pass or fail based on their performance. No percentage or letter grade is assigned to their performance.
Letter-Based Grading
In this system, grades are assigned based on student performance. For example, in Pakistan, India, and the US, A, B, C, D, and F are common letter grades. Occurs at a specific limit.
CGPA to Percentage Equivalence Chart
Percentage | CGPA (Approx.) |
99 percent in CGPA out of 10 | 10.0 |
96 percent in CGPA out of 10 | 9.8 |
93 percent in CGPA out of 10 | 9.6 |
90 percent in CGPA out of 10 | 9.4 |
87 percent in CGPA out of 10 | 9.2 |
84 percent in CGPA out of 10 | 9.0 |
81 percent in CGPA out of 10 | 8.8 |
78 percent in CGPA out of 10 | 8.6 |
75 percent in CGPA out of 10 | 8.4 |
72 percent in CGPA out of 10 | 8.2 |
69 percent in CGPA out of 10 | 8.0 |
66 percent in CGPA out of 10 | 7.8 |